Willow Class
Welcome to Willow Class!
Class Teacher - Mr Garth Lenton
TA (AM) - Mrs Woolaston
TA (PM) - Miss Nelson
A generous person will prosper
Proverbs 11:25.
"Staff know every child at this school really well and put them at the heart of everything they do."
OFSTED Feb '23
In our class, we have a perfect mix of fabulous Year 4s and fantastic Year 5s! I teach full time in the classroom along with our amazing TAs - Mrs Woolaston and Miss Nelson. We are all really looking forward to having the children in the classroom for a new year and getting on with some brilliant learning.
Our PE days this term are Monday and Wednesday but please make sure the children have their kit in at the beginning of every week in case we change a day or even do additional PE outside of our scheduled time. This term we will be working towards the Burford Partnership events of Sports Hall Athletics and Tag Rugby.
We are really looking forward to Term 2 which will have lots of fun activities such as our History topic on the Vikings; sporting sessions including fitness & stamina and Tag Rugby as well as lots of engaging English and Maths activities!
Here’s to being ‘The best we can be for ourselves and others’.
Mr Lenton, Mrs Woolaston and Miss Nelson
Staff in Willow
T3 2024-25
T3 Medium Term Plan
T3 Timetable (subject to change)
T3 History Topic - Vikings Knowledge Organiser
T2 2024-25
T2 Medium Term Plan
T2 Timetable (subject to change)
T2 Geography Topic - Raging Rivers Knowledge Organiser
T1 2024-25
Long Term Plan
T1 Medium Term Plan
T1 Timetable (subject to change)
T1 History Topic - Britain at War Knowledge Organiser
Learning from 23-24 (Below)
This Year's Learning
Our topic for term 6 is Perplexing Poles.
We're working towards the big question: What evidence is there for climate change?
Our geography and science learning will also link with English work on persuasive writing. Watch this space for our persuasive stop-motion animations with top tips for taking climate action!
We will also be recapping previous work on Marvellous Maps - making sure our map skills are the best they can be before the end of KS2.
Knowledge Organisers
Highlights of the Year (so far)
Willow Class Orchestra
In February, Mrs Russ (our visiting music teacher) awarded the class a SHINE certificate for their teamwork as an orchestra. This is our class working together to play Beethoven's 5th Symphony on the glockenspiels. They followed the conductor and played their parts in groups, keeping time together. Mrs Russ and I were blown away by the results after only 10 minutes of practice! Watch this space for more musical accomplishments in the future...