Lunch Menus
Lunchtime is between 12 noon and 1pm. A two-course meal is cooked in the school kitchen every day. There is generally one main dish, with vegetables and/or a selection of salads and fresh bread, followed by a pudding, fruit yoghurt or cheese and biscuits. You can also order a brunch bag with a cheese, ham or tuna roll or a Jacket Potato is available with various fillings if you prefer. The menus are designed in accordance with the National standards for school meals, work on a three week cycle and change twice a year.
Due to the success and numbers of children taking up the option of school meals we have put in place a two sitting procedure. Whilst one group of children are eating their meals the second group will go out to play, the groups then swap around. This procedure ensures that children are not waiting in a queue for excessive amounts of time.
Parents have the ability to pre-order and pay for school dinners on online.
The online booking and payment system can be accessed here
Free meals are available for those eligible. Full information can be obtained from the school office, but an information form can be found below. All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are eligible for free meals under the government’s universal infant free school meals initiative.
Packed lunches are eaten in the hall or outside during the summer months, under the supervision of lunchtime supervisors. Lunchboxes should be clearly named. Please respect our healthy eating policy and do not put fizzy drinks or sweets in your child’s lunchbox.
Trained staff are responsible for the children during lunchtime. Other members of staff are always available.