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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

Joining our school


As an academy we are our own admission authority. This means that The Governing Body set the admission criteria and arranges admission appeals. The current admission policy can be found here:

Oxfordshire County Council has fully coordinated admission arrangements for all academies and community, voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools. For children starting Reception in September applications should be made to Oxfordshire County Council Admissions by completing a Common Admissions Preference Form (CAPF) either in paper form or electronically.


The closing date for applications and the date for the offer of places will be in accordance with the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme, details of which will be common to all schools in the Local Authority (LA) area.


The Oxfordshire County Council admissions web site can be found here.


All admissions for Reception at other points in the year or to other year groups are considered to be In-Year Admissions. In-Year Admissions will be admitted provided that there are places available in the relevant year group using the criteria as set out in the relevant admissions policy for the specific year group. St Christopher’s CE School follows the LA protocol for the in-year admissions of vulnerable children (in-year fair access).


The school administers its own In-Year Admissions process and the form can be found below:

Admissions Policy 2025-2026 DRAFT - Under consultation

School Admissions Timetable 2023
