At St Christopher’s School, Geography teaching allows children to SHINE, creating a sense of belonging, identity and purpose within their lives. We strive to help children make sense of the quickly changing world around them, as well as helping them to understand the crucial part they play in the local and wider community. Through high quality , enquiry based teaching and learning, children develop an interest, fascination and desire to investigate a variety of human and physical characteristics of different places, both local and afar. We want our children to be well rounded citizens, helping them to understand and appreciate the differences between places, environments and cultures. Children will be given many opportunities to undertake fieldwork in order to gather, understand, analyse and present data about their local environment, thus deepening their understanding and appreciation for where they live as well as evoking a passion for geography.
Geography Curriculum Progression of Skills
Geography Skills Icons
What are Skills Icons in Geography, and why do we use them?
Our Skills Icons are designed to cover the main skills needed to be good Geographers. We use our Skills Icons throughout the school as part of our enquiry based curriculum, and children are encouraged to use these specific skills in order to answer key enquiry questions. The Skills Icons are visible in children's books and on displays in the classroom, as well as being discussed throughout each Geography lesson. We believe that it is important for children to understand and recognise the skills they are using in Geography to be able to make progress and understand fundamental concepts.
Learning in Geography