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OCC Footsteps Child Pedestrian Safety Programme


Footsteps programme is to begin to support your children in their journey to becoming safer, independent pedestrians and road users.

Our Footsteps guide will give you some ideas of how to begin to support your child in developing the decision-making skills that will help them become a pedestrian able to keep themselves safer when they eventually walk to school or a friend’s home independently.

If they are ill-prepared, children are more likely to be killed or injured in a road traffic incident, as seen by the fact that the number of child pedestrians injured rises significantly around 10 -12 years of age – the time at which they begin to go out unaccompanied by adults. 

The Footsteps programme is simple to use as it can be carried out in normal everyday situations such as walking to school or to the local shops. Rather than telling children what to do, you are encouraged to ask lots of open questions to make the children think about the decisions they are making. Making these decisions safely, while in the company of a supporting adult, will mean they will be better prepared for dealing with roads and traffic once they begin going out on their own.

Learning to cope with traffic is a practical skill, which cannot be learnt in the classroom. As parents / carers, you are the best people to help your child develop this knowledge as you spend the most time out and about with them. 

It is never too early to start talking to your child about road safety as, having a good understanding of road safety skills, could one day save their life.

Please follow the link to the Footsteps guide Walking with children | 365Alive and begin to give your children the skills and knowledge they will need to stay safer on our roads. 

Oxfordshire Fire & Resue Service Road Safety Team
Oxfordshire County Council 


