Eco Committee Biodiversity Fundraising Day

Eco Committee are very excited to announce a special day that they are holding on Thursday 2nd February!
They will be partly raising funds for the Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire Wildlife Trust and partly asking for donations towards their school Biodiversity project as part of their application for the Eco Green Flag Award.
All children are invited to come to school wearing black, white and/or grey clothes (the colours of the badger logo).
Eco Committee are also asking for any donations please, which are listed below:
- Cakes / biscuits for an after school Bake Sale,
- bird feeders, bird baths, bat boxes,
- bird seed, fat balls, mealworms (no nut based bird food please),
- seeds, bulbs or plants to support bees and butterflies,
- vegetable plants and fruit trees.
If you are an amazing gardener and currently dividing plants then any we would also welcome those plants too!