SHINE at St Christopher's
“To be the best we can be for ourselves and others”
This is illustrated by the parable the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37) who showed compassion, respect and courage
We aim for all individuals to SHINE as children of God, within our ever changing world to be the best we can be for ourselves and for others.
Succeed with perseverance ~ Happy with respect and honesty ~ Independent and courageous ~
Nurtured with compassion ~ Excited with teamwork
"Leaders have created a broad and ambitious curriculum that is carefully sequenced from early years through to key stage 2." Ofsted 2023
We have designed our school curriculum to enable all our children to SHINE and to be the best they can be.
Our cross-curricular topics make learning engaging and relevant; we make links to the children's interests and to big ideas about the world. Each topic includes trips and visitors to enhance enjoyment and help our children connect their learning with the world outside of school. Quality texts linked to each topic have been chosen to add depth, breadth and challenge to the core learning. We start each topic with an exciting hook or wow day, and build towards purposeful celebrations that use or share the children's learning.
Within each topic, we build carefully structured learning sequences for each National Curriculum subject. This helps our children to succeed in developing strong skills across the curriculum. Subjects are clearly identified to the children, and key skills are taught explicitly and progressively up through the school. To help the children connect their learning between different topics and years, we use visual icons to represent the subject-specific skills that the children are learning.
We place a high priority on developing our children's social and emotional attitudes to learning. Teachers embed opportunities for our children to persevere with challenges and build resilience, on their own and when working in teams. Every year group is given opportunities to pursue their learning independently, and we aim to teach our children the skills they need to become successful learners for life.